How to remove water rings from furniture
One of the most common marks to appear on wood furniture arises from people forgetting to put their drink on a coaster. Luckily, various household products are perfect for buffing out any water rings with ease. Try one of the below techniques to remove the stain and move onto the next if one does not work.
Method 1: Baking Soda
Make a paste using one teaspoon of water and one tablespoon of baking soda. Dip a soft cloth into this solution and rub the water ring gently until you see it disappear.
Method 2: Petroleum Jelly
Apply a blob of petroleum jelly lightly over the watermark and leave it to sit overnight. Wipe the jelly and watermark away in the morning using a cloth.
Method 3: Toothpaste
Place a ball of non-gel toothpaste onto a soft cloth and massage it onto the wooden surface to remove the stain. Wipe it off with a moist cloth and leave it until it dries thoroughly. If the watermark runs deep, make a stronger solution from baking soda and toothpaste. Use a dab of toothpaste and an equally-sized measurement of baking soda and mix together. Slide the paste along the grain of the wood, clean it off using a damp cloth and then when it dries, polish the wood using lemon oil.